Richness of a training institute is based on the number of people trained by it. It is the only and valuable resource for that institute. IGNFA (previously IFC), also takes pride in training initial recruits to forest service at apex level in the country, for last 75 years. All the foresters who have shaped this sector immediately before and after independence of the country have passed out from portals of the institute.

In this humble effort, list of all the alumni and group photographs (wherever available) have been compiled and displayed here, as per records available. Before putting it in its present from it was displayed for about 3 weeks as draft on the website of IGNFA and all the State Forest Departments were informed to check the contents and point out the discrepancies and omissions, if any. We received information from some of our alumni about corrections in their names and all those have been incorporated. Still, it is felt that there may be some more corrections and they will be incorporated as and when they come to our notice. Group photographs of some batches are missing so it is requested that if they are available with some members then they may please be sent to us so that they can also be uploaded.

Additional Professor