The Last date for online registration for the 4th Course of MCT Phase II is extended till 11 May 2018.

4th Course of MCT Phase II for the officers of 14-16 years of seniority (2002, 2003 & 2004 batch) is scheduled to be held from 09th July to 04th August, 2018. The concerned officers are requested to go through the letters sent to their respective State Governments in the following links and do the needful.

Course Coordinators Dr. Praveen Jha, Professor, IGNFA
Phone No. 0135 – 2753074
Mobile No. 09431100424
Course coordinators Dr. B. Balaji, Associate Professor, IGNFA
Phone No. 0135 – 2757739
Mobile No. 09412050565
MCT Desk
Phone No. 0135-2757738